Friday, August 31, 2007

Holiday Cards are coming!

A little tidbit of info for you... we've been hard at work on our new holiday card line for 2007! We should have product for you by the end of September. We'll be sure to send out an email once everything is ready, so if you're not already on our email list, click here to sign up!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Woo Hoo! It's a Sale!

Just so you know... we're having a sale on our printed cards right now. The prices are only good until August 31, so be sure to act fast! Click here to view and purchase cards.
If you want to find out about our steals and deals first, sign up for our mailing list.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Easier to Shop!

We made a huge step in our website this weekend – you are now able to shop directly from! No more going to a separate site to purchase your cards. Just click on the 'Add to Bag' button beneath the description, and you're on your way! We're really excited about this improvement, and we hope you are too.
Check out the improvements:
Happy Shopping!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Lucky Us!

We are so excited to announce that Lucky magazine has mentioned us in the Sept 07 issue. If you are in the Atlanta area, please check us out in the local section. Or click here to see our press page now!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Welcome to our new website!

Hello everyone! We hope you are enjoying our new website. Tamara has worked long and hard to put it together and she did an outstanding job! Thanks to all the "real" web designers out there who gave us their invaluable advice.

It's been such a busy year launching this new business, but it hasn't felt like work because we love what we do and are so excited about getting our designs out there. Although we have come a long way, we still have so much further to go. Please check back often and find out what we're up to next.

So please continue looking through our website, and don't forget to buy something!

- Tamara & Ellen