So... as we mentioned before, we had our first annual planning meeting a couple weeks ago. It was a lovely, warm Sunday in Atlanta, and we plopped down on some couches at
Aprés Diem for some coffee, snacks and planning – determined to make this business work! These are the '08 Goals:
Attend a minimum of two craft/art shows.
Looking at
Indie Craft Experience and some other
random ones around town. We'd love to do
Summerfest or something, but most of those are more "fine art" versus just selling cool stuff you make. Having a hard time finding a good list of ones to attend that are appropriate to what we do, so if you have suggestions, please pass them on!
Expand our exposure to a national level...
through online advertising, joining online communities, blogging more, and doing some PR with industry magazines – both graphic design and craft/stationery.
Create a Design Studio.Since we both already do freelance on our own, we are hoping to combine efforts and start Jinky Wink Design Studio. It will be above and beyond the custom work that we currently do – less cards and invites, and more brochures and posters. We'll expand our website to include our portfolios and info on how to hire us!
Get into a minimum of three retail stores.We had this as a "goal" last year, but we're for real serious about it now! We really want and
need the exposure from retail outlets. If you want to see us in your favorite store, go tell them! If you get us into a store, we'll send you a "Thanks for Getting us into a Retail Store" Gift!
Introduce new products.We're always coming up with great ideas, and we're hoping to be able to roll lots of them out this year! Of course, cash is always a factor, so we do need to think things through. We're hoping to have a few new things as soon as next month. As always, we'll send out an announcement.
Get on our mailing list if you're not already!
So, that's our list. It seems small, but everyday we come up with more things that need to happen to make the goal happen! Our ultimate goal throughout the year is to have enough product (and cash!) to make it to a trade show in 2009. Ideally, the
National Stationery Show however, we'd be happy with the
Gift Mart in Atlanta!
WHEW! Wish us luck...
Tamara & Ellen